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 简介:个人陈述,全称Personal Statement,简称PS,旨在申请过程中按照学校要求写的关于申请人背景、目前成就和未来目标等的文章。

















Personal Statement,有时也称Statement of Objectives/Statement of Purpose 或Study Plan(学习计划,侧重点略有不同)。主要用于描述个人的背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的部分。当申请者苦恼于GRE、TOEFL等标准化考试的成绩,一份得体的个人陈述却有可能让你力挽狂澜,从众多申请者中脱颖而出。在某些学校,个人陈述已经代替了面试,作为评价学生的一个重要依据。因此,个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位,也有必要赢得众位申请者的重视。



2、 有什么优势、潜力或业绩使你符合对方录取标准


个人陈述是每个人个性和独特经历的体现,并没有统一的语言要求和写作格式。但是在留学文书的准备中,个人陈述属于正规的书面文体,用语最好符合书面语的规定。版面的安排应该整洁有序。同时在个人陈述的准备过程中应该仔细阅读申请学校的'网页,寻找学校是否对于语言和格式有明确的要求。 在个人陈述的写作中切忌不要堆砌辞藻,不要过多使用长句和难懂的单词。否则会使阅读者头疼,可读性降低。写作要真实、诚恳、具体,语言要流畅,逻辑要清晰,内容要有血有肉,富有感染力和说服力。一般以1-2页600-800字为佳,太长则令人没有耐心仔细读完。另外,不要把文章写成炫耀你词汇量和句法的“GRE阅读文章”。

写个人陈述是一件见仁见智的事,并没有明确而统一的写法。书写个人陈述首先要做的是搜集素材,认识自己,挖掘出自身的特点,寻找自己的闪光点。认识自己,这是一件说起来容易,做起来难的事。要知道,申请的过程其实是你向学校推销自己的过程。读者可以到 留学文书原创写作 栏目的第三栏下载相关的素材表格,看看我们通过哪些信息来深入挖掘您申请专业所需的特质与您个人潜力的关联





(一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss...),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学校要求以问答方式来叙述(Responses to essay questions... . Please limit your response to on page.),则依其要求回答不超过一页。



1.“I am interested in English literature.”这句话表达不够清楚,而“I was concentrated on Milton and Shakespeare in college.”就明白地说出了申请人的志趣及专研范围。

2.“I received extensive training in physics.”这句话不够详细,“My training was in the area of particle physics.”就具体多了。

3.“I was very active as a student representative.”最好说明曾经做什么:主办演讲、沟通学生与校方之间的意见等。

4.“I am attracted to your department by its brilliant faculty”——应说明对教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等;表达对所申请系所的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校不同而提及对某位任教于该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位感兴趣。

(三)不要用语意模糊的句子,如“Your esteemed school”——应代以学校的名字;“I will return to serve my country.”——应明确说出所要从事的到底是什么工作。


















 第四种错误是喜欢在开头交代自己写这篇PS的目的,比方说,“This document is to facilitate my application for admission and scholarship.” 写这篇东西是为了什么云云,这是“说了也白说”的写法。因为大家都知道PS写作是为了什么,实在没有必要再费口舌。举个例子,如果你给自己心仪的姑娘写了一封情书,还要在文中开宗明义“我写这封情书的目的是为了表达对你的感情”就完全多余了。


 公式化写作的中间部分则通常会出现以下两种情况:一种是喜欢渲染自己如何勤奋,一种是喜欢突出自己如何智慧。这两样东西都绝无写的必要。首先,对于要申请北美奖学金的你而言,肯定已经是大学毕业、已经考过了TOEFL、正在准备GRE或者是已经通过了GRE的考试,这一切已经充分证明你既勤奋且智慧,所以你实在不必再作自我表扬;再者,对于国外的Professors 来说,在他们的土地上,已经有几十万刻苦求学的中国学生,绝大多数都成功地完成了学业,这已经充分说明了中国学子的聪明和勤奋。中国在西方最被认可和承认的就是我们的本科学历。因此,如果你在中国大学本科毕业又考过了GRE,你还要在你的PS中强调自己的智慧与勤奋,其结果只会造成内容的雷同。










































 To live a meaningful life everyday; to continually pursue my predetermined worthwhile goals. -My view of life.

 Could I put myself in the life-threatening working environment? Could I sacrifice my life for the benefits of others? Some people may laugh at my crazy question. To me, that is a serious question I have come a long way to find my answer. “I am not sure whether it is worth to answer”; “What is the true meaning of that question?”

 When I was a young child, I watched a soap opera that was about court. I was deeply impressed by the judge’s calmness and the lawyer’s eloquence and resource that were showed in this opera. From then on, I hoped to study law some day. Fortunately, I performed well in entrance examination and got enrolled into xx University. Then I chose law as my major without hesitation.At university, I studied hard and got GPA 3.4. What’s more, I broadly read all kinds of books, including philosophy, history etc. My teachers’ instruction strengthened my understanding of law and makes me understand the significance of law to a country. From my studies, I had a lot of fun and got more interested in law. Moreover, I actively participated in practice in holidays from common company to law firm and tried to apply the theory I had learned into practice.

 This summer, I had my internship in counselor department in xxx Group Co Ltd which was involved in a business contract dispute, which was submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. As a representative of the requested applicant, I took part in the evidence collection in the early arbitration stage and clearly explained why the 5% balance of goods was not paid on time. After knowing the whole case, I visited my teacher, an Arbitration Law professor, and listened to her opinions. Realizing the counterpart didn’t completely implement their contract duty, I gave reasons as follows: First, the counterpart company didn’t mention bearing issue, which caused that the delivered machines couldn’t be put into the plant because of the disqualification of workshop. Thus overhaul was necessary, which delayed production and resulted loss. Based on these reasons, the counterpart didn’t completely carry out its duty, so our party did not pay the balance on time.During this time, I found out the evidence and pictures that attested counterpart did not give reasonable suggestion and service, and made a statement in the court. Finally, the arbitration turned out that counterpart compensated our loss, in which the arbiters invoked the reasons that I stated. They had a panel made up of 3 lawyers and 5 company representatives as agents while we just had 3 persons—two lawyers and me. Under such condition, I was able to cooperate with them and clearly stated my opinions without any nervousness, which got their respect. This matter greatly inspired my enthusiasm on study.

 In addition, I took part in the contact draft in several companies. In the process, when I met a lot of problems, I often turned to my teachers for help, which made good impression on them. As I cherished each practice, I studied my specialty and English hard. With effective study method and diligence, I did well both in English and law, which helped me a lot to get scholarship every year. On the other hand, my practice inspired me to study. In practice, I exercised my legal knowledge. I also realize the big gap between theory and its application—sometimes I have master the rules but I didn’t know how to use it in actual case. My practice experiences have not only strengthened what I learned but have supplied new knowledge for me, which is good for my future study and career.

 In my study and practice, I admired outstanding lawyers’ eloquence and jumping thinking more and more. However, in China, most of lawyers come from theory study and those who can perform well in practice are insufficient. Moreover, after the China’s entrance to WTO, there are a lot of problems with Chinese law. I think, my internship experience is not enough. In practice, I could combine substantive law with procedural law to analyze case, but I still feel my theoretical foundation is not solid enough. What’s more, comparably speaking, the chances that I have to initiatively study and practice are not a lot. Thereby, I am eager to study further abroad to know more about foreign law, thoughts and lawyer career so that I am able to stand out in fierce competition.




 3、结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解。谨记:simple is the best。






 英文版:I thought much before I began to write the PS. However, holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to say, too much to write. Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without any hesitations.

 It was not the desire for the life overseas, but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to study abroad. I was longing for the further study and embedded understanding of the essence of Information Science, tasting its charm. Pocketing this interest, I came into the department of Beijing Forestry University. Through several years’ study there, I gradually realized that the modern information society needed not only the professional talents in information science, but also the embedded researches in this field in order to use it into every enterprise. Meanwhile, it is certain that the information science is just the developing trend in the future, which could historically change the ever familiar life style. Therefore, in the process of learning, I can taste its interest and challenge, with which I can keep abreast with the latest technology. Furthermore, I think it was valuable for me to contribute my youth into the Information Science, the most prospective enterprise in the future.

 My ordinary score on my school report will tell you that I am not good at examinations. Those so-called “examination skills” are also strange to me. Instead, I emphasize the practical operations and the real needs of the society, expecting to learn the knowledge and technology that stands at the top of the period. Therefore, I got the latest knowledge mainly by reading large amount of English books and browsing the websites. Besides, I participated in many practical activities, in which I could use what I have learnt into practice.

 In my sophomore year, just as other schoolmates were submerging themselves into the fairy world of PC games, I began my part time working experience by working as a technician on the website of a small company. Just at that exciting time, I found that it was very difficult to use the theories I learnt on class into the practical work. Trapped in the gap between the school and society, I collected and summarized much practical professional files from a series of websites and learnt the HTML language and the CSS design by myself. From the first attempt in the society, I realized that I got much from difficulties rather than smooth work. On designing the information part of the website, I could not find the perfect combination between the files. However, as a hard-nosed boy, I was not defeated by the difficulties, but very excited towards them. By classifying and summarizing the files I found on the websites, I finally solved the problem.

 Taking advantage of my insistent efforts, I was finally kissed by an opportunity to participate in a developing project, in which I worked as a core assistant of my teacher to develop the Iptables module under Linux. From a theoretical point of view, the development of the module could be included in the basic theories of the operating system. However, it was another challenge for me because I was not familiar with the programming of system module. Finally, I found the related knowledge on a book named “Module Programming”. Thanks to my repeated attempts, times of failures, at last, presented me with the final success. Through this practice, I believe firmly that failure is the access to the success.

 I had a dream when I was just a kid----becoming a member in Chinese Academy of Science, the pioneer of the science and technology in China. My senior year witnessed me to achieve my dream. Under the recommendation of my teacher, I got the opportunity to work with the professors in automation department of CAS on developing the interface based on the biometric authentication technology. Two weeks was a short time, but a harvest time for me. Through the exchange with the experts and professors and looking up large amount of books and related literatures in the library, my understanding on all the specifies BIOAPI interface, the design of the 类 and data structure and the biometric interfaces had largely deepened. Seeing the final success, the sweetest smile in the world blossomed on my face.

 My assiduity in study and careful working attitude won the appreciation of the professors in CAS. Therefore, at the last period of my undergraduate study, I was recommended by them to complete my graduation design by participating in a graduate subject of Chinese Blog Search Engine.

 As the assistant, I completed the access and storage of the Blog data by using C language and Perl database. With the help of my studying fellows, I finally designed a frame of the Blog Search Engine and learn many new technologies.

 After graduation, I accepted the offer of working on Sina website, where I was mainly responsible for the batch installation of operating system, tailor of the software package, the safety configuration, the smooth running of the equipments on line, the test and recovery of various hardware failures. Meanwhile, I was in charge of the immediate response and disposal of the accidents and the exact maintenance of thousands of servers in the whole company.

 As a system engineer in Sina website, there are a lot of things to do in the application process, operating system and network as well as in the hardware. We generally solve the problems by our own practical experience combining with the related professional literatures and the knowledge we have learnt.

 Years of working experience made me realized clearly that it has still a long way to go to achieve my dream---becoming an expert in this field. I have to step out of the “flowers” coating me now for my achievements to the further study for the next station on the way of life. Therefore, I need a nutritious academic atmosphere.

 It was my curiosity that pushed me onto the road of learning new technologies and it was my strong learning ability and capability that presented me with the current achievement. I believe that standing at the cross road of life after a few years further study, I will be more confident and stronger expectative for my future.





标签: 留学材料
