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 UK further education qualifications are respected by employers and academics worldwide.

 Further education courses are usually described as either academic or vocational. If you want to build expertise and up-to-date skills to help develop your career in a specific industry, you might choose a vocational, or professional, qualification. These can also prepare you to study an industry-based subject through to higher education.

 Vocational and professional qualifications are offered at many levels. They combine classroom-based learning and independent study with practical training, and include:

 The Diploma: The Diploma is available across all industry sectors and is the most popular choice for students without industry experience who want to gain a professional qualification. A Diploma is an intermediate qualification, equivalent to an A-level, and can provide a route into higher education or employment. If you study for a Diploma, you will have a mix of classroom-based practical learning and theory. A Diploma can be taken full- or part-time by people of all ages.

 National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs): If you have some experience in the workplace, NVQs and SVQs demonstrate that you have the knowledge and practical ability to carry out your job to the required standard. The amount of time it takes to study for these qualifications is flexible, and usually depends on your level of experience. They can be studied on a full- or part-time basis and are available for people of all ages.

 There are many more accredited and non-accredited qualifications, as well as apprenticeships, depending on the subject you wish to study.

 Other specialist further education courses include:

 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or in Scotland, Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE): The UK?s main teaching qualification, which takes one year and is necessary if you want to teach in a UK state sector school.

 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Pg Cert HE or PGCHE): This trains you to become a higher education teacher or lecturer in the UK.

 City and Guilds qualifications: This organisation offers over 500 qualifications at more than 8,500 institutions worldwide and is based in the UK.

 Academic courses in further education can be shorter and more flexible than full honours (undergraduate) degrees in higher education. They can allow you to work up to a full degree year-by-year ? this might mean you get your final certificate accredited by a higher education institution, but do all your studies at the further education college or other institution.

 There are a number of shorter undergraduate courses you can do at further education institutions:

 One-year courses are called Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE). When you complete the course, you are considered a Level 4 or Level C graduate.

 Two-year courses include Foundation degrees, the Higher National Diploma (HND), and theDiploma of Higher Education (DipHE). At the end of these you are considered a Level 5 or Level I graduate.

  Top-up courses

 Top-up courses give you the option of doing an extra year after you finish your further education course so you can progress to a full undergraduate (honours) degree.

 Many further education colleges have partnerships with universities so students can do that final year without leaving their college ? and still get a certificate from an accredited UK university.

 Top-up is an excellent choice if you?re not sure that you want to continue to a full honours degree, if you want to plan a break in between your studies, or if you want to specialise in other areas.

  Pathways to higher education

 If you?re planning to study an academic subject to higher education level, you might consider academicqualifications such as:

 A-levels and AS-levels: These are available in a broad range of subjects and are the most popular route into higher education in the UK. Most students study three or four subjects, but you can study more or fewer than this. A-levels and AS-levels can stand alone. In some institutions they can also be awarded in combination with other qualifications such as International Baccalaureate certificates or vocational qualifications.

 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme: This programme is an alternative to A-levels and provides qualifications in six or seven subjects. IB students can select subjects so that they specialise in a particular academic field, but mathematics, native language and theory of knowledge are mandatory subjects. The IB is currently available in around 150 state and private institutions in the UK.

 Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers: These are available in a range of subjects and are offered by further and higher education colleges in Scotland. Advanced Higher qualifications are equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree. Students with these qualifications can enter higher education in the second year of a bachelor degree instead of the first.

 These qualifications are usually taken over two years by students aged 16?19 but they can be taken at any age.

  Work experience

 Many vocational and professional courses include a work placement ? a period of time spent gaining experience in a real workplace. The aim is to introduce you to the world of work and give you valuable experience in your chosen profession. Check whether your visa status allows you to do this before applying.

  Study modes

 As well as studying on campus in the UK, you can also choose to study outside the UK ? for example by distance learning, by studying through a UK accredited training provider, or by joining a UK overseas campus.

  The academic year

 At most institutions in the UK, the academic year starts in September or October and runs until June or July. Many courses, however, are more flexible and offer a range of start dates.


去英国读研究生课程一直是国内大学生非常热门的留学选择之一。原因在于英国的文化底蕴深厚,教育资源丰富,完善的教育体制使得她的教育水平世界领先,全世界 50 多个国家全部采用的是英式教育,包括美国的常青藤大学。那么关于英国的研究生课程到底是什么样的呢?从授课形式上看,英国研究生课程分为两类: Taught Course (授课式)和 Research Course (研究式)。

1 、 Taught Course (授课式)

Taught Course 主要有两种:一是硕士学位课程,通常为期 12 个月,包括课堂讲授,专题讨论,考试及毕业论文等。目前我们国内的大学生大都申请的是这种硕士学位课程。二是研究生文凭课程(无学位),通常为期 9 个月,包括硕士课程的授课内容,但不包括毕业论文。

英国的大学是申请制的,通常是由各大学招生办收取申请人的申请材料,然后再由招生办转至各个院系对材料进行审查,最终发放录取结果。申请材料方面,一是要有足够的学历,二是要有一定的英语水平。通常说来,国内本科毕业学生,如果有学位,同时本科期间的成绩也比较好,一般都能被相关专业的名校硕士课程录取。有些大学的部分专业由于课程设置的差异性,可能会认为申请人的背景尚可,但不够直接入读硕士学位课程的条件。这种情况下,往往会要求申请人先入读研究生文凭课程,如果读书期间,课程完成情况达到要求,即可在 9 个月结束时,通知申请人直接进入毕业论文阶段,从而与其他直接入读硕士学位课程的学生一样在相同时间拿到学位。

如果申请人只有本科学历,没有学士学位,或是函授,自考或夜大毕业, 一般说来,是不接受直接入读硕士课程的,最好的途径是通过硕士预科 + 硕士的这种 1+1 模式来制定留学方案。由于每位申请人的背景差异,需要在了解申请人的详细情况之后,才能做出切合学生自身特点的评估和建议。

2 、 Research Course (研究式)

Research Course 也分为两种:研究式硕士学位课程和博士学位课程。通常是指学生在一位导师的指导下,自己选定研究课题并展开研究,因而为那些想发展自己专业兴趣的学生提供了最佳机会。对于研究式学生来讲,独立钻研能力和有效的研究方式是至关重要的。

研究式硕士课程的申请人一般要求必须具有学士学位,入学后须在校从事 1 至 2 年全日制研究工作,获得 Mphil ( 哲学硕士 ) 学位。如果研究进度和成果令校方满意,可申请继续进行博士研究。在中国已获得硕士学位的学生可直接申请英国的博士学位课程。一般这类的申请是需要申请人自己与学校的导师进行联系申请的,由导师直接决定是否录取。


Postgraduate Certificate in Eduction (PGCE) 教育学研究生证书

Postgraduate Diploma (Pg Dip) 研究生文凭

Master ? s degree 硕士学位

PhD or DPhil (Doctor of Philosophy) 博士学位

* 授课式的硕士学位:

- MA Master of Art 文学硕士

- MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士

- MSc Master of Science 理学硕士

- MEng Master of Engineering 工程硕士

- LLM Legum Magister (Master of Laws) 法学硕士

* 研究式的硕士学位:

- MPhil Master of Philosophy 哲学硕士博士学位

- PhD Doctor of Philosophy 博士







就业方向:IT 技术管理、网络支持、公共服务事业、软件开发、无线通信、芯片公司。


就业方向:银行与资产管理公司、会计师事务所、股票经纪人、金融分析员、组合基金和共同基金经理、理财规划人。 英国金融业相当发达,金融业的发展也带动了会计领域的飞速前进。







标签: 留学学校
