c c高中留学(留学的高中)
- 高中留学
- 2024-10-24 18:19:51
在接下来的时间里,我将为大家提供一些关于c c高中留学的信息,并尽力回答大家的问题。让我们开始探讨一下c c高中留学的话题吧。
1.加拿大高中必须18毕业?2.加拿大留学Columbia College转到UBC或者UT的问题
本人长期从事加拿大高中留学的业务,对个教育局的做法还算了解. 以下是各加拿大教育局对我曾经这个问题的回答,为了保持人家的原意,我就直接把曾经的电子邮件的内容贴在这儿了,供参考:
素里教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
Hello - some answers to your questions are below.
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ?
2. Students are permitted to be in our schools until the term they turn 19 years old.
3. Once they are 19 years old, we have an adult education system for them,
4. Student must still complete the BC government requirements for graduation.
5. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ?
Generally, we would like to see them graduate as 18 year olds, but 19 and 20 is OK. For international students, this means we look for students who are 15 years old, so they have a realistic chance of completing all the grad requirements.
兰里教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
Dear Peng,
It's nice to hear from you. Thank you for keeping Langley in your heart. I really appreciate that!
Regarding your question, let me explain.
For local Canadian students, they cannot continue to study in the public high school after 19 years of age as per our Ministry funding policy. So all school districts apply this to the local students.
However, for international students, it is up to the individual school district to decide. Some school districts follow the same policy as above for international students and so they will have restrictions about age. So one has to find out about this from each school district.
In our school district, we allow international to stay in our program even if after 19, so they can still finish their high school completion requirements with us. So you don't have to worry about this issue with Langley School District. We have had a few students who needed more time to graduate and did so when they were 20 or 21. They are good students, but they were either a bit older in age when they came or they just simply needed more time because of ESL or to complete all the credits, so as long as the students are studying well, we will accept them and let them finish.
Hope this is helpful. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me anytime for any questions. We would love to work with you and show you how well we take good care of your students in our program. At this time, I am not sure when I will be in Beijing next time, but I will certainly contact you to let you know and come and look forward to meeting you! Cheers, Tina.
Tina Chow
Director, International Student Program
Langley School District
列治文教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
There is no definite age restriction. The general rule is that when students turn 19, that is their last year of attendance in our schools. However, we have made exceptions when students need a few more credits to graduate and are following the rules of the school and community.............for example....no drinking or behaviour that is unacceptable for our students.
Students are placed according to their age. However, it is not uncommon for classrooms at Grade 10,11 and 12 to have a mixture of ages in the class because of graduation credit requirements.
<scnbpengjian@hotmail.com> writes:
Dear Richard Hudson
I'm writing you is for a question, it is regarding the student's age restriction for graduation. Since there is often some students whose age are a little bit older when they start to plan their study in Canada, but I don't know how to answer them because I really don't know the age requirement of your school board for secondary school admission.
My question are:
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ?
2. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ?Your answer will help me greatly, many thanks!
Best Regards![Marker]
Peng Jian ( )
本拿比教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
Dear Peng,
Angela is away today so I am replying. We normally do not accept any
student over the age of 17 years unless their English is fluent, as we
feel they do not have the chance to graduate before they turn 19, no
matter if they start at grade 11 or 12.
Maximum age for grade 10 would be 16, grade 11 = 7, and we don't accept
international students without fluent English into grade 12. If they
are at the grade 12 level we still put them into grade 11 since there
are so many courses at that level to do here - several courses that
cannot be given transfer credit from China.
We encourage students to come as young as possible, preferably at age
15 and going into grade 10, as we feel they have a much better
opportunity of improving their English and graduating along with their
Once a student is in our program and progressing satisfactorily we
allow them to stay up until the end of the academic year in which they
turn 20.
Peng, I will be in Beijing October 12 - 14. Would you like me to come
to your office and do a training session with you and your high school
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Sally Stacey, Senior Advisor
International Education Program
Burnaby School District 41
约克教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (多仑多)
See our reply below in blue color. Thanks.
York Region Learning Connections
International Division of York Region District School Board
From: 彭剑 [mailto:scnbpengjian@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thu 26/08/2010 9:46 AM
To: Admissions
Cc: Liu, Fred
Subject: A question about age restriction for graduation
Dear Jessica Li
I'm writing you is for a question, it is regarding the student's age restriction for graduation. Since there is often some students whose age are a little bit older when they start to plan their study in Canada, but I don't know how to answer them because I really don't know the age requirement of your school board for secondary school admission.
My question are:
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ?
Grade 10 for September 2010: regular students' year of birth 1995, we can take international students born in 1994, but no older
Grade 11 for September 2010: regular 1994, international students can be 1993, but no older
Grade 12 for September 2010: regular 1993, international students can be 1992, but no older
1. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ?
Age 21.
Your answer will help me greatly, many thanks!
Best Regards!
Peng Jian (彭剑)
上加拿大教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (安省)
Technically there are no age restrictions. However, once a student is over 21 years old he would transfer to our adult education program. My office is actually located with the adult school.
From: [mailto:scnbpengjian@hotmail.com]
Sent: August 26, 2010 10:06 AM
To: carmen.cousineau@uclc.ca
Cc: jennifer.duplain@uclc.ca
Subject: A question about age restriction for graduation
Dear Carmen
I'm writing you is for a question, it is regarding the student's age restriction for graduation. Since there is often some students whose age are a little bit older when they start to plan their study in Canada, but I don't know how to answer them because I really don't know the age requirement of your school board for secondary school admission.
My question are:
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ?
2. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ?
Your answer will help me greatly, many thanks!
Best Regards!
Peng Jian (彭剑)
Canadian Dogwood Education Services Center INC
Room 603, Xinzhong Mansion, No.2, Xinzhongxi St., Dongcheng Dis.,Beijing. 100027
Tel: 010-65518486, Cell: 13601073768
Email: scnbpengjian@hotmail.com
多仑多教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (多仑多)
My answers for you are listed after your questions below.
Polly Chao
International Liaison and Programs
International Programs and Admissions Office
Toronto District School Board
5050 Yonge Street, 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2N 5N8
Tel: 416-395-2880
Fax: 416-395-8476
E-mail: polly.chao@tdsb.on.ca
From: 彭剑 [mailto:scnbpengjian@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:18 AM
To: Chao, Polly
Cc: Sengupta, Smita
Subject: A question about age restriction for graduation
Dear Polly Chao
I have sent my agent application package to you in the last eamil, and also attached two student's school records for your reference, but I forgot to ask you one question about the two students.
Because I found the age of one of two students is a little bit older, so I'm just worrying about whether her age would be problem,
My question are:
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ? We will follow the applicant’s age and academic background to determine the grade placement. However, we do not take students who will turn 19 before they start our program.
2. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ? We can keep students at our high schools up to age 21. However, some schools may not be able to do it and will advise students to transfer to other schools that are more flexible.
Your answer will help me greatly, many thanks!
Best Regards!
Peng Jian (彭剑)
Canadian Dogwood Education Services Center INC
Room 603, Xinzhong Mansion, No.2, Xinzhongxi St., Dongcheng Dis.,Beijing. 100027
Tel: 010-65518486, Cell: 13601073768
Email: scnbpengjian@hotmail.com
加拿大留学Columbia College转到UBC或者UT的问题
我现在是UT的学生 我周围也有从温哥华的COLLEGE转学过来的朋友
根据你的情况 我建议你读Langara College
因为你要转大学的话 学分的信任度很重要 名声好一点的学校转学分的成功率也要大很多 这样就不会浪费很多时间来读一些并不能转的CREDITS
至于你说的A-LEVEL 你作为高中成绩单出示是没有问题的 Langara College向你索取高中成绩单只是一种存档作用没有什么录取的效应 所以成绩高低没有问题 再说你的A-LEVEL成绩再转学分的时候多多少少会给你提供帮助的 只要成绩合格学校会考虑给你转相应的学分 所以你在从COLLEGE转大学的时候提供你的A-LEVEL成绩单是只有好处没有坏处的 我的一个新加坡同学就因为A-LEVEL今年转了2个学分
至于你说的“在LANGARA应该读什么课程才行” 这要取决于你要转学学什么课程 你可以发信给UBC或者UT的相关专业的OFFICE询问他什么专业可以转学分 选定你的专业之后 再到那个专业的页面上找到可以TRANSFER CRDIT的资料
找信息是个漫长且比较艰苦的过程 不过多和学校的STAFF联系 总是有好处的 从那里得到的信息才是最专业的
希望我的回答能帮到你 也祝你成功 少走弯路 最后建议你 可以到UBC和UT的中国学生论坛上询问转学生的经验 那些经验将更加实用 毕竟那些人都是转过学分的 我只能把我从朋友那里知道的告诉你
因为我是UT的学生 所以我只知道UT的中文论坛 你可以上去问问转学生们的经验 大家都是很热情的 http://cuaut.org/forum/index.php
再次希望你成功哈 希望和你成为校友
记者采访了解到,被引入公办高中的国际课程不只是培训学生应付托福、SAT、雅思等考试,而是强调了与国内课程的融合。比如广雅的国际班虽然引入A-level课程,但必须与国家课程、广雅特色课程相融合;省实今年开设的“省实国际”,其课程融合省实优质教育资源和美国AP 课程,对接海外精英高等教育体系对学术经历、个人能力、公民修养方面的要求。
今天关于“c c高中留学”的讲解就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解这个主题,并从我的回答中找到需要的信息。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。
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