- 高中留学
- 2024-11-02 15:17:57
5.留学加拿大本科的个人陈述Personal state该怎么写呢?
英国留学个人陈述怎么写?各个学校所要求的个人陈述的内容基本相同,如解释申请人为什么会选择该校(Why are you considering theOhio State
University?);未来的职业规划(How the course you areapplying will affect your
教育背景(educational experiences)
职业规划 (career planning)
英国留学申请文书个人陈述的写作需要对其有充分的认识,这样才能更好的写作个人陈述,对即将出国留学者来说,除了GPA成绩、语言成绩外,一篇优秀的个人陈述(PersonalStatementorEssay)往往是向学校表明你是什么样的人、你的申请为什么值得他们考虑的重要材料。那么,如何写好个人陈述呢?怎样才能够让大学或者研究生院的入学部认可你的才能,相信你是一个优秀的、有职业发展前景的年轻人呢?国外的大学和研究生院入学部的工作人员在阅读留学者的个人陈述时,会找出你准备申请的课程、你的学术水平、职业取向以及毕业后的预期。但应该注意的是,对这些工作人员来说,你的个人陈述中那些带有感情色彩的自传性描述并不能影响他们的判断,除非这些描述确实对你所解释的学习和职业兴趣有关。尽管大学和研究生院的工作人员只是简单地浏览你的个人陈述,但他们却可以从你的个人陈述中了解许多信息。因此个人陈述必须能够清晰、有效地表达你的观念,证明你的学术和交流能力。如果你的个人陈述中有过多的语法和拼写错误,就可能影响入学部工作人员对你能力和兴趣的注意。 一般来说,个人陈述中应该有以下几个方面的内容: 为什么你要申请这个课程项目? 描述影响你申请该项目的一个最重要的情感因素(你的兴趣?)。 如果你要写你自己多年来的学术或工作经历,你最想写的是什么? (如果强调工作经历)描述你在职业方面的能力,特别是在某个群体中的状况。 (如果强调学习经历)描述你在学术方面的能力,特别是在某个群体中的状况。 你最令人难忘的工作经历/学术经历。 描述你曾经历过的失败,你是如何应对它的。 简单描述你对未来的预期。 当然以上这些方面在你的个人陈述中并不是完全均衡的。比如,打算申请研究性的硕士课程或者博士课程的申请者,就应该突出自己对该研究的兴趣,并表明适合做这个研究。而对于申请MBA课程的申请者来说,职业经验就是衡量能够进入该课程项目的重要标准,再加上一个适合管理的人格特征。再比如申请艺术类的申请者,则必须在个人陈述中突出自己的创造性和个人创作风格。英国留学申请文书的写作很多同学都不放在心上,在准备英国留学申请文书的时候同学要好好的做好准备,写作好自己留学申请文书,这样才能更好的保证自己的英国留学之路,在写作英国留学申请文书的过程中,如果有任何的问题,都可以咨询国内一些知名的留学服务网站,例如51Due留学在线辅导就是非常好的留学服务网站,希望能够帮助到大家。
U of Washington的admission officer指出,他们会把申请者分成四等:"Admit with guaranteed
funding, Admit with potential funding, Tabled (a sort of admissions purgatory),
and Reject." It is in the case of "Tabled" and "Admit with potential funding"
applications, the admissions officer reports, that the personal statement can
make a real difference: "If there is a good match between the applicant's
research interests and the particular strengths of the school, this can bump
them up a level or two in the hierarchy of admission."
PS的精髓在于将自己的motivation和Objective充分展现出来,它应该是personaland analytical,
任何generalization都需要避免,PS的关键在于用specific, personal
写PS时,要尽量完全的真诚。这是诉说一个你自己的故事,你不是在设法创造一个理想的申请者,而是just be
officer,也才能真正的认识你自己,才能真正让你选择最适合你的graduate program。
用specific details来展现你的motivation很重要。这些specific
描述为什么这个graduate program适合你,不要用一些空洞的赞美性的语言,一定要be specific, be
修改前:In the first project Imanaged, I learned many valuable lessons about
the importance of teamwork.
修改后:In the first project Imanaged, I made an effort to incorporate all my
colleagues as equal members ofa team, soliciting their feedback and deferring to
their expertise as needed.
人们会从你对自己经历的specific details的描述判断出你有哪些quality。
注意避免敏感话题,因为你不知道admission officer的个人偏见。
不要用冗余的长句。短句更加有力,因为他们更加direct和to the point。举例:
修改前:"My recognitionof the fact that the project was finally over was a
deeply satisfying momentthat will forever linger in my memory."
修改后:"Completing theproject at last gave me an enduring sense of
像the fact that这种词就是完全冗余的。
1. Performa self-inventory of Your Unique Experiences, Major Influences,
and Abilities.
Long and short term goals
1. 这所学校为什么吸引你
2. 你对哪个faculty的研究最感兴趣?你最想跟谁一起工作?
3. 你具体想从你所申请的program中获得什么?
4. 你的事业抱负是什么?这个graduate program对你实现事业理想有什么帮助?
5. 你理想的工作的是什么?未来的5~10年甚至20、30年,你想成为一个什么样的人?
Skills and Characteristics
6. 你有哪些品质有助于你在该领域获得成功?You need to make strong connections between your
experiences and the qualities you wish to convey.
这里列举一些admission officer认为很重要的qualities:
Seriousness of Purpose (to pursue graduate education) Intellectual Ability (to handle graduate study) Intellectual Curiosity (about the field you wish to enter) Creativity (as reflected in the way your mind addresses issues in thefield of your choice)
Open-Mindedness (to ideas, people, and circumstances different from yourown)
Maturity (as demonstrated by being responsible and trustworthy) Concern for Others (either by devoting time to social service activitiessuch as tutoring or by being considerate and empathetic to others' feelings; the
latter is more difficult to pull off in an application essay)
Initiative (as in the ability to start a project or take on aresponsibility on your own)
Enthusiasm (as demonstrated by your eagerness to engage inactivities)
Confidence (in your ability to handle difficult situations and novelchallenges)
Being Organized (as in the ability to stay on top of multiple tasks) Sense of Humor (as in your ability to find humor in difficult situations;in many ways this is an index of maturity)
Diligence/Persistence (as demonstrated by your ability to stay with atask until you complete it; this is particularly relevant for programs requiring
a dissertation)
Leadership (as shown in your ability to inspire others to work togetherto reach a mutual goal)
Risk Taking (as shown in your ability to deal with uncertainty in orderto reach your goal)
Insight (as reflected in your ability to use introspection to understandaspects of yourself, such as your preferences and your motivations)
Optimism (as reflected in your ability to find positive aspects inseemingly negative situations)
Compromise (as in your ability to be flexible in negotiating with others;at a more abstract level this can mean the ability to reconcile ideological
opposites or dialectical pairs among others or within yourself)
Overcoming Adversity (as demonstrated by your resourcefulness in dealingwith serious problems such as divorce, death, illness, etc.)
7. 你所拥有的skills(比如communication,leadership, analytical),注意用specific
8. 你比其他申请者的优势在哪里?
9. 你可以贡献给你所申请的学校哪些东西?(给你的fellow students,你的faculty,你的broader community)
10. 你认为你为什么会在这个program的申请中胜出?
11.让admission officers对你感兴趣的最compelling的原因是什么?
Background/Accomplishments: Personal
12. What's special, unique, distinctive, or impressive about you or your
life story? What details of your life (personal or family problems/history, any
genuinely notable accomplishments, people or events that have shaped you or
influenced your goals) might help the committee better understand you or help
set you apart from other applicants? 哪些人影响了你的选择?
13. Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (e.g.,
economic, familial, physical) in your life? 你所必须克服的困难?
14. Have you borne significant care-giving responsibilities for family
members? For an ailing parent, a sibling, a disabled or aging relative, a child?
How has this impacted your academics? Your professional life? Your goals and
values? 你从小就需要照顾什么人吗?囧,这点对独生子女不利哎。。。
15. (If you live in U.S. but are not a native-born American) How did you
deal with the challenges of moving to the U.S. from your home? Did you
experience culture shock? How did you adapt? What was most difficult for you?
What aspects of your new home did you enjoy the most?
16. If work experiences have consumed significant periods of time during
your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for
example), and how has the work contributed to your personal growth?
Background/Accomplishments: Academic
17. When did you originally become interested in this field? What have you
since learned about it-and about yourself-that has further stimulated your
interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field?
What insights have you gained? 你如何对这个领域感兴趣的?
18. How have you learned about this field-through classes, readings,
seminars, work or other experiences, or conversations with people already in the
19. Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you
should explain?
20. Can you recall a specific incident that convinced you that you had
chosen the right career path?用一个具体的事例来证明你为何选择了正确的道路
2. Consult Friends, Relatives, Colleagues, or Professors for Ideas
I am applying to _________ and must prepare a personal statement as a part
of that process. I want to be sure to include all relevant data about myself and
my background, so I am soliciting information from various individuals who know
me and whose judgment I value. Thank you for your help.
1. What do you think is most important for the admissions committee to know
about me?
2. What do you regard as most unusual, distinctive, unique, and/or
impressive about me (based on our association)?
3. Are you aware of any events or experiences in my background that might
be of particular interest to those considering my application to graduate
4. Are there any special qualities or skills that I possess that tend to
make you think I would be successful in graduate school and in the field to
which I aspire to become a part?
在美国留学文书当中,相信大家对于PS并不陌生,应该知道是个人陈述(Personal Statement),但是对于SOP,可能知道的人就少了。
PS,相信准备美国留学申请的学生都不会陌生,而SOP,大家会认为跟PS一样,都是个人陈述,所写的内容也是一样的。其实不然,PS和SOP是有区别的,有些美国大学会要求同时提交PS和SOP。下面是Umich ME对SOP和PS的解释,并且UMich要求同时提交SOP和PS。
Statement of Purpose (SOP): The Statement of Purpose should be a concise, well-written statement about an applicant’s academic and research background, career goals, and how this graduate program will help meet career and educational objectives.
Personal Statement (PS): The Personal Statement is an essay about how an applicant’s background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, and educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated the decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan. For example, if an applicant grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, they might discuss the impact this had on their development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to the decision to seek a graduate degree.
To avoid disappointment, we strongly recommend that you fill in the required personal details on the online application system, submit transcripts, your statement of purpose, and your personal statement well before the 11:59pm deadline.
留学加拿大本科的个人陈述Personal state该怎么写呢?
招生时都会有要求申请者写essays,其中很常见的就是“Describe your most substantial accomplishments”。这样的题目就是要求申请者写出自己认为最值得自豪的成就。但是在描述这样的成就时要注意到成就的真正重要性.
Academic background
I am a junior majoring in computer science and technology in xxxxxx College of Computer Science and Technology. For academics, they have paid a lot and gained a lot in the past three years.我是xxxxxx级计算机科学与技术学院计算机科学与技术专业的大三学生。对于学术,三年来付出了很多也收获了很多。
On the whole, the weighted average of 92.77,322 main courses in the first five semesters is the first, with over 96 points in mathematics and over 85 points in English. They have been awarded national scholarships for two consecutive years and are outstanding students. Won the Wang Xianghao Scholarship of Jilin University.
Excellent mastery of professional knowledge in all aspects, comprehensive understanding and high professional quality. Good programming ability, and excellent experimental courses. Understand the problem thoroughly, think carefully and carefully.
Second, the research work
Participated in innovative experimental projects for college students, national projects, and is still under study. Dynamic topology management of online workflow job based on ZooKeeper. The main research work is how to keep the topology of task processing optimal or close to optimal in the dynamic process of tasks
Through participating in the experimental project, we have a preliminary understanding of the scientific research process. Understanding of background information, putting forward innovative problems, inquiring relevant information and professional knowledge, thinking about problem solutions, creating solution models for verification with solutions, verifying the correctness of solutions theoretically, and forming final papers for publication. It strengthens the scientific research accomplishment and lays a foundation for future scientific research.
Third, the employment goals of doctoral students after graduation
After my Ph.D. graduation, I hope I can continue my computer research career. Through my undergraduate study, I love computer research and innovation more, and have a strong desire and endless sense of accomplishment.
You can not only stay in school to teach and educate people, study and explore, but also enter the research institutions of enterprises in related countries, engage in research and development in related fields, give full play to your knowledge and expertise, and make your due contribution to the society and the country, which deserves the training of the country, society and schools.