monash本科专业,monash university专业
- 留学本科专业
- 2024-11-03 05:51:03
1.墨尔本理工大学2.monash college dipoma有什么专业
3.莫纳什大学Monash University
monash college dipoma有什么专业
monash college Guangzhou Programs 有商科专业:会计专业, 法学专业, 市场营销专业 ,金融与银行专业 ,(管理)与(市场营销)双专业 ,(会计)与(管理)双专业 ,(会计)与(银行与金融)双专业
莫纳什大学Monash University
莫纳什大学各个校区的学习环境是幽雅的,国际化的,同时又是充满活力,朝气蓬勃的, 每年吸引着100多个国家的留学生前来求学,各个校园设有国际留学生办公室,为留学生提供五星级留学生服务。大学拥有100多个学生俱乐部,可以丰富各类学生的业余生活和满足各类学生的爱好。
澳洲八大院校之一;莫纳什大学是澳大利亚最大的,最国际化的大学,在校学生最多的综合大学世界最大的原子能加速器将建在蒙纳士大学;莫纳什大学具有世界一流的科研成果,教学质量及世界一流的留学生服务;莫纳什大学拥有自己的莫纳什学院,为高二,高三及大专学生提供有保证的快捷课程,通过快捷课程直接进入莫纳什大学二年级;全澳大利亚前第三位的图书馆可提供超过230万册的藏书及18000余册期刊;目前,莫纳什大学在国际交流与合作、科研创新和教学质量方面皆居世界领先地位;毕业生学术能力出众,具有自学能力强、有团队合作精神、善于改革创新、能够担任领导者等特点,广受雇主欢迎,就业率全澳第一,所获得的薪水是全澳洲大学生中的最高水平;莫纳什大学毕业生在政府机关、跨国公司及学术界中担任要职:澳大利亚财政大臣、吉隆坡股票交易所执行主席、新加坡股票交易所总裁、新加坡港总裁、马来西亚健康督导、前印尼总外事顾问、新加坡首席器官移植医生、泰国银行高级行政官 城市概况 墨尔本是一个很有特色的城市,具有英国的怀旧风格。属温带气候,这里四季分明,夏季平均摄氏14-25度,冬季摄氏-6-13度,春秋两季气候温和。到处可见郁郁葱葱的树木和五彩缤纷的花卉。这个典型的公园城市,有公园 400多座,到处是绿地和花园.
学生可以利用自行车,搭乘学生会提供的便车服务或者利用便利的公共交通,各个校园都靠 近火车站,在Caulfield、Gippsland、Parkville校园可以乘地铁、有轨电车,交通十分方便。?
本科信息Art, Design 艺术设计类
Single degrees 单学位
Bachelor of Architectural Design Caulfield 建筑设计
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) Caulfield 设计-视觉传播
Bachelor of Fine Art Caulfield 艺术学
Bachelor of Industrial Design Caulfield 工业设计
Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Caulfield, Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 信息技术
Bachelor of Interior Architecture Caulfield 室内建筑
Bachelor of Multimedia and Digital Arts Caulfield 多媒体和数码艺术
Bachelor of Visual and Media Arts Gippsland 视觉和媒体艺术
Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 视觉艺术
Honours degree of Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Caulfield, Gippsland 信息技术荣誉学士
Double degrees 双学位
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 艺术学+视觉艺术
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 商业学+视觉艺术
Bachelor of Business and Commerce / Bachelor of Visual Arts Gippsland 商业经济+视觉艺术
Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) Clayton 工程学+设计学
Bachelor of Visual Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland, Peninsula 视觉艺术+教育学
Arts,Humanities and Social Science 艺术,人文和社会科学类
Single degrees 单学位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 航天工程
Bachelor of Arts Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 艺术学
Bachelor of Arts (Communication) Gippsland, off-campus 传播艺术
Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) Gippsland, off-campus 刑事审判
Bachelor of Arts (English Language) Clayton 英语学
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) (Faculty of Arts) Gippsland, off-campus 新闻学
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) (Faculty of Arts) Caulfield 新闻学
Bachelor of Arts (Languages) Clayton 语言学
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) Gippsland, off-campus 心理学和人类学
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Caulfield 人力资源管理
Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 管理学
Bachelor of Business and Commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 商业与经济学
Bachelor of Cognitive Science 认知科学
Bachelor of Commerce Clayton 经济学
Bachelor of Communication (Faculty of Arts) Berwick 传播学
Bachelor of Communication (Faculty of Arts) Berwick 传播学
Bachelor of Communication (Faculty of Arts) Malaysia 传播学
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Peninsula 幼儿早期教育
Bachelor of Environmental Science Clayton 环境科学
Bachelor of Music Clayton 音乐
Bachelor of Nursing (Psychological Studies) Peninsula 护理
Bachelor of Performing Arts Clayton 表演艺术
Bachelor of Primary Education Gippsland 小学教育
Bachelor of Psychology (with honours) Clayton, Peninsula 心理学
Bachelor of Psychology and Business Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 心理学和商业学
Bachelor of Psychology and Management/Marketing Caulfield 心理学和管理学
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 生物科技
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) Malaysia 环境管理
Bachelor of Social and Community Welfare 社区工作
Honours degree of Bachelor of Business and Commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia 商业与经济学院
The Honours Degree of the Bachelor of Psychology and Business (Psychology) Clayton, Malaysia, South Africa, Singapore 心理
Double degrees 双学位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 航天工程学+艺术学
Bachelor of Arts (Communication) / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Gippsland, off-campus 传播学+信息工程与
Bachelor of Arts (Communication) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 传播艺术+科学
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 新闻学+科学
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) / Bachelor of Social and Community Welfare Gippsland, off-campus 心理与人类学+社会福利学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 艺术学+会计学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 艺术邪恶+银行财政学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 艺术学+商业管理学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 艺术学+市场营销学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business and Commerce Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 艺术学+商业经济学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 艺术学+商业信息系统
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Commerce Clayton 艺术学+经济学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Computer Science Clayton 艺术学+计算机科学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 艺术学+经济学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland, Peninsula 艺术学+教育学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 艺术学+教育学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Caulfield 艺术学+信息技术和系统
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 艺术学+法律
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Clayton 艺术学+科学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social and Community Welfare Gippsland, off-campus 艺术学+社区福利
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Work Caulfield, off-campus 艺术学+社区工作
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 艺术学+视觉艺术
Bachelor of Arts and Honours Degree Bachelor of Social Work 艺术+社会工作
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 会计+管理
Bachelor of Business (Management) / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 管理+市场营销
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 商业学+视觉艺术
Bachelor of Business and Commerce / Bachelor of Communication Berwick, Malaysia 商业经济学+传播学
Bachelor of Business and Commerce / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Gippsland, off-campus 商业经济学+信息科技
Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering / Bachelor of Business and Commerce Gippsland 环境工程+商业经济学
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 经济学+航天工程
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 经济学+商业信息系统
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 商业+经济
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Engineering Clayton 商业+工程
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 商业+法律
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Clayton 商业 商业+ 机电一体化工程学
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Science Clayton 商业学+科学
Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick 传播学+信息技术和系统
Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 工程学+艺术学
Bachelor of Health Science and Honours Degree Bachelor of Social Work 健康科学+社区工作荣誉学士
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 机电一体化工程+艺术学
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering / Bachelor of Science Clayton 机电一体化工程+科学
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Commerce Clayton 音乐+商业学
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 音乐+教育学
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 音乐+法律
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Performing Arts Clayton 音乐+表演艺术
Bachelor of Performing Arts / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 表演艺术+法律
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) / Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) Malaysia 生物工程+环境管理科学
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Business and Commerce Gippsland, off-campus 科学+商业经济学
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Computer Science Clayton 科学+计算机科学
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 科学+教育学
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Engineering Clayton 科学+工程学
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 科学+法律
Business, Commerce and Law 商业,经济和法律
Single degrees
Bachelor of Accounting Clayton 会计学
Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 银行财政学
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Caulfield 人力资源管理
Bachelor of Business (Law) Caulfield 法律
Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 管理
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 市场营销
Bachelor of Business and Commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 商业经济学
Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 商业信息系统
Bachelor of Business Studies Off-campus 商业研究
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) Clayton 会计和金融
Bachelor of Economics Clayton 经济学
Bachelor of Innovation and Enterprise Berwick 创新与企业家管理
Bachelor of Laws Clayton 法律
Bachelor of Psychology and Business Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 心理和商业
Bachelor of Psychology and Management/Marketing Caulfield 心理和管理市场营销
Bachelor of Sports Promotion and Events Management Gippsland 运动营销和时间管理
Double degrees 双学位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 航天工程+法律
Bachelor of Arts (Communication) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 艺术传宝+科学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 艺术学+会计学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 艺术学+银行财政学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield艺术学+管理学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 艺术学+市场营销
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business and Commerce Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 艺术学+商业经济学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Commerce Clayton 艺术+ 商业
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 艺术+经济学
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton
Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 生物制药+经济学
Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 生物制药+法律
Education 教育类
Single degrees
Bachelor of Primary Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland 小学教育
Honours degree of Bachelor of Education Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula 教育学 硕士信息Art, Design 艺术和设计类
master of Applied Information Technology Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 应用信息技术
master of Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 艺术
master of Design Caulfield 设计
master of Design (by Research) Caulfield 设计
master of Film and Television Studies Clayton **电视
master of Multimedia Caulfield 多媒体
master of Multimedia Design Caulfield 多媒体设计
master of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 视觉艺术
Arts,Humanities and Social Science
master in Adult Education (Global) Off-campus 成人教育学
master in Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers Clayton, off-campus 应用语言学
master in European and International Studies Caulfield, Clayton 欧洲和国际研究
master of Applied Social Research Caulfield 应用社会研究
master of Arts (Music Composition) Clayton 音乐
master of Asian Studies Caulfield, Clayton 亚洲研究
master of Australian Studies 澳大利亚研究
master of Bioethics (Faculty of Arts) Clayton, off-campus 生物伦理学
master of Business Administration/master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Caulfield 商业管理和企业
master of Business Administration/master of Human Resource Management Caulfield 商业管理和人力资源管理
master of Business Administration/master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Caulfield 商业管理和国际发展与环境分析
master of Communications Caulfield, off-campus 传播学
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教育学
master of English as an International Language Clayton 英语作为世界语言研究
master of Environment and Sustainability Clayton 环境与可持续发展研究
master of Environmental Science (Faculty of Arts) Clayton 环境科学
master of History Clayton 历史
master of Human Resource Management Caulfield, off-campus 人力资源管理
master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Clayton 国际发展与环境分析
master of International Relations Clayton 国际关系研究
master of Laws (Workplace and Employment Law) City 法律
master of Music Studies Clayton 音乐
master of Philosophy (Faculty of Business and Economics) Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, off
-campus 哲学
master of Publishing and Editing Caulfield 出版和我
Business, Commerce and Law 商业经济和法律
master of Applied Econometrics Caulfield 计量经济学
master of Applied Finance (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 应用财政学
master of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 会计
master of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 银行财政学
master of Business Administration Caulfield 商业管理
master of Business Administration/LLM (Commercial Law) Caulfield 商业管理
master of Business Administration/master of Applied Finance Caulfield 商业管理+应用财务
master of Business Administration/master of Business Law Caulfield 商业管理+商业法
master of Business Administration/master of Business Systems Caulfield 商业管理+商业系统
master of Business Administration/master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Caulfield 商业管理+企业环境和可持续管理
master of Business Administration/master of Human Resource Management Caulfield 商业管理+人力资源管理
master of Business Administration/master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 商业管理+信息管理和系统
master of Business Administration/master of Marketing Caulfield 商业管理+市场营销
master of Business Administration/master of Risk Management Caulfield 商业管理+风险管理
master of Business Economics Caulfield 商业经济学
master of Business Law Caulfield, OS-CHI-BEI 商业法
master of Business Management Off-campus 商业管理
master of Business Systems (Faculty of Information Technology) Clayton 商业系统
master of Diplomacy and Trade Caulfield, off-campus
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教育学
master of Human Resource Management Caulfield, off-campus 人力资源管理
master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 信息管理和系统
master of Intellectual Property Law City 知识产权法
master of International Business Caulfield, Malaysia 国际商务
master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Clayton 国际发展和环境研究
master of International Relations Clayton 国际关系
master of Laws City 法律
master of Marketing (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 市场营销学
master of Philosophy (Faculty of Law) 哲学
master of Professional Accounting (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 专业会计
master of Professional Accounting/master of Business Law Caulfield 专业会计+商业法
master of Public Policy and Management Caulfield, off-campus 公共政策与管理
master of Risk Management Caulfield 风险管理
master of Taxation Caulfield 税务
master of Tourism Caulfield 旅游
Education 教育
master in Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers Clayton, off-campus 应用语言学
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教育学
master of Psychology (Counselling) and Doctor of Philosophy Clayton, off-campus 心理学
Engineering 工程
master of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 航天工程
master of Digital Communications Clayton 数字传媒
master of Engineering Science (Coursework and Minor Thesis) Clayton 工程科学
master of Engineering Science (Research) Clayton, Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 工程科学—研究硕士
master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management Off-campus 公共基础设施工程和管理
master of Traffic Off-campus 交通学
master of Transport Off-campus 运输学
Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic Off-campus
Information Technology 信息技术
master of Applied Information Technology Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 应用信息技术
master of Business Administration/master of Business Systems Caulfield 商业管理+商业信息系统
master of Business Administration/master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 商业管理+信息管理系统
master of Computer Science Clayton 计算机科学
master of Design Caulfield 设计学
master of Information Management and Systems Professional Caulfield 信息管理和系统
master of Multimedia Caulfield 传媒
master of Multimedia Design Caulfield 传媒设计
master of Philosophy Malaysia 哲学
Science 科学
master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Clayton 企业环境和可持续管理
master of Human Services Management Off-campus 人力资源管理?
申请条件 语言→ GPA:无 / IELTS:无 /
本科→ GPA:80 / IELTS:6.5 /
研究生→ GPA:80 / IELTS:6.5 /
GRE:不要求 / GMAT:不要求 /
莫那什大学(又译:莫纳什大学)是澳大利亚八所名校之一,莫那什大学建立于1961年。据权威的TACS提供的数据,莫那什大学在学校声望、就业机会、起始薪金各方面在全澳大学排名都雄踞榜首。1994年莫那什大学被评为全澳年度最佳大学。莫那什大学的6个校区分布于墨尔本附近。而墨尔本是澳大利亚的第二大城市,被联合国评为“最适合居住的城市”。莫那什大学在澳洲本土共有6座校区,下设10个学院,分别是:艺术与设计学院,文学院,商学与经济学院,教育学院,工程学院,信息技术学院,法学院,医学、护理与健康学院,制药学院,以及理学院,开设了一系列的本科和研究生课程。其中,MBA商业学校 - Monash Mt Eliza Business School, 是非常优秀的商业学院, 提供商业行政和管理课程。在澳洲排名前三,在全球排名也是前50名。莫那什的MBA在澳洲非常有名,其毕业生为众多大公司所接受。
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