- 托福考试
- 2024-10-06 15:35:31
1.I think a good neighbor should be warm-hearted and hospitable.
First, a good neighbor should be warm-hearted. if you have any problems, a warm-hearted neighbor may help you in some ways. you can borrow some tools from your neighbor and you may have a good relationship and friendship with each other. when you are out for a long trip, a good neighbor may help you to cut the grass and clean your house.
Also, a good neighbor should be hospitable too. no one would like to live beside a family who never invite others to their houses for a visit. if your neighbor is as hospitable as you, you two families may become very good friends and you may even have visits frequently.
all in all, i think a good neighbor should be not only warm-hearted, but also hospitable.
2.i think college education should be available to all the students.
First of all, every citizen has the right to get their education. if people do not have enough education, they may not realize what is moral, what is society. they will not have any modesty and knowledge and it may do harm to the society if there are a lot of people without knowledge.
Then, people with high education can make more contribution for the society. for example, we can use knowledge to create a lot of high-tech products to help us to do the basic work and more people will contribute to higher discovery.
Lastly, education helps to improve the quality of workers. as we all know, a good work demands a lot, including knowledge. if more people can accept higher education, more people will be able to have a better job.
That's why i think college education should be available to all students.
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The Dawn ofLife(重复18年9月16日考题)
最早的有生命痕迹的证据在澳大利亚southwesternGreenland的岩石上被发现,距今有35亿年。关于生命起源有很多理论:达尔文的观点是:生命起源于a "warm little pond, with all sorts of chemicalreactions." 另一些科学家的观点是:生命起源于海洋里;还有的认为生命起源于靠近海底火山的hotvents里面;另一些人认为生命可能来自于外太空,比如火星。
为什么是火星呢?因为火星比地球小,而且大概比地球形成的时间要早。火星刚形成的时候温度比现在高,地表大气比现在要更thicker, 而且火星上有少量的水。在最初形成的时候,火星和地球上都经历了很多行星撞击,而且很多时候有些行星撞击到地球上后的喷溅物可能又回到火星上。两个星球接受到的撞击物大概是类似的。但是地球上的水比较多,撞击到海洋里会形成很大的热量,海水温度会过高杀死一些微生物。但是火星上水比较少,就避免了这种问题。所以最初的生命可能在火星上形成然后通过行星撞击的方式来到地球。但是这些都是假说,现在也没有发现证据表明这些理论。但是火星上因为撞击比较多,现在表层都是撞击的痕迹。所以如果有生命,可能在 surface下面的深处
Artisans in Sixteenth-CenturyEurope(重复15年1月10日考题)
Paragraph 3
Raw materials, not equipment, constituted artisans’major expense in most traders, however.? ■Whereas in 1583 an Antwerp silkweaver paid 12 guilders for a loom
(and made small payments over many years to pay offthe debt for purchasing the loom), every six weeks he or she had to lay out 24guilders for the 2 pounds of raw silk required to make a piece of cloth. ■Thus access to cheap and plentiful primary materials was a constantpreoccupation for independent producers. ■Using local materials might alloweven the poorest among them to avoid reliance on merchant suppliers. ■Theloss of nearby sources could therefore be devastating. As silk cultivation wanedaround the Spanish cities of Cordoba and Toledo, weavers in these cities wereforced to become employees of merchants who put out raw silk from Valencia andMurcia provinces. In the Dutch Republic, merchants who imported unprocessedsalt from France, Portugal, and Spain gained control of the salt-refiningindustry once exploitation of local salt marshes was halted for fear that dikes(which held back the sea from the low-lying Dutch land) would be undermined.
Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence can be added to the passage.
This was possible because when transportation costs werelow, the price of? raw materials was generally also low.